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Developing independence in an
adult world through communication
vocational, social and life skills
COMMUNITY – Bhaji and Banter mental health event

Our annual mental health awareness event encourages learners and colleagues to open up and talk about mental health, with the addition of delicious homemade food.

Collage of people at an event, with Bhaji and Banter text

Bhaji and Banter was introduced by a learner who had received support from the mental health charity, Mind. They decided to organise an event at Regent College to encourage discussions about mental health and brought along bhajis to attract everyone to join.

It was such a success, with one learner self-advocating a referral to the mental health charity Mind, it is now a staple event in our calendar and is held annually during Mental Health Awareness Week.

With support from colleagues, learners take control of organising the Bhaji and Banter event. They arrange who prepares what food to bring in, set up workshops to support each other with positive mental health and invite mental health representatives to attend.

This year, representatives from NHS Stoke-on-Trent Talking Therapies attended. They help people develop skills and techniques to improve wellbeing and confidence.

There was also a delicious array of food, including vegetable curry, rice, dal, pakoras, kebab wraps, chaat salad, and cakes.

Amy Booth, tutor at Regent College, said:

“It is so important to encourage people to discuss wellbeing and share tips to improve our mental health. This is exactly what Bhaji & Banter is about.

“We were delighted to hear representatives from NHS Stoke-on-Trent Talking Therapies express how good our event was, with a few learners asking for some information, which is a really positive outcome.

“Well done to everyone involved!”

People posing for a photo with food

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Developing independence in an
adult world through communication
vocational, social and life skills